Nick Griffin's appearance on Question Time yesterday has sparked a lot of controversy. From it all, we can see this:
1. People are no longer viewed by people as having the right to express their views on national television if they differ to other people's views.
2. A lot of people misunderstand the BNP's policies and jump to conclusions.
3. Anyone with 'controversial' views that are not approved of by the majority of the population will not be allowed to partake in a fair and honest discussion, they will instead be attacked on all fronts.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not a BNP supporter, the policies that they have chosen to make clear, such as education and environmental issues are ones I heartily disagree with. For everything else, I think there can be no definite answer. Nick Griffin has been shady in the past about his views on immigration and the presence of other ethnicities in the UK. If what I have heard is true, then I disagree with his views.
However, he could simply be trying to pander to white 'British' (Anglo-Saxon) population. By providing someone to blame, ie foreigners, he has helped many people out. It's exactly what Hitler did. He disguised his genuine policies with those that are in the best interest of the population, and by attempting to intimidate British people by providing them with an enemy and a threat, Griffin can manipulate many stupid people who cannot think for themselves, which is unfortunately a great deal of our population, meaning he could win an election.
Alternatively, Griffin could simply be someone who cares greatly about his country and views immigration as a threat to the prestige of the UK. He's clearly an intelligent man, so there is probably more than meets the eye to his policies. The vast majority of his party is made up of mindless thugs, but there are some smart people at the top. It begs the question really, how can someone as intelligent as he is hold such views? (If indeed they are his views. Both him and the press are being deliberately deceptive). He may simply be a man who does not hold these opinions at all, rather he simply wants control of the country. And by providing stupid people with an enemy and misleading the same stupid people, he could gain enough supporters to be voted into power, with which he could do as he pleases.
As I've said, I don't agree with what Griffin is said to believe but I don't like the way that everyone jumps on the bandwagon of hating him just because they're 'supposed to'. People should think more about politics. He should also definitely be allowed to express his opinions through his political party and on television, and simply express them in general. If we ever lose the right to do these things, we will lose a basic right to express ourselves. Nobody will ever think outside the box and nobody will ever question the government's decisions, which I believe is a necessity. It allows the government to see both sides of an issue, so they can make a more rounded decision.
I also believe that people should not be persecuted, ridiculed and banned from expressing their opinions simply because they differ to most other people's opinions. Yes, you can say their policies are an affront to several basic human rights, but again, nobody truly knows what their policies are, and even so, it is simply a difference of opinion. Everybody should be allowed to express their opinions, be it through speech or their own political party. It's just a matter of opinion.
There is one thing I admire about Griffin though, and that is that he continues to stand up for what he believes in (despite it being utterly perverse), in the face of colossal opposition and general hatred towards him. It takes a special kind of devotion for a man to jeopardise his livelihood and security just to make his political views heard. Having said that, I sincerely hope the BNP never gain office in this country for several reasons:
1. Their policies are not clear. They have been deceptive in the past and they could well be now.
2. What the policies appear to be are ones that I completely disagree with and they are affronts to people's freedom.
3. It would mean that the majority of our population is easily manipulated and mislead, which would in turn mean that the majority of our population is stupid and there is no hope for us as a species.
Anyway, just wanted to make a point about that, as it's all over the news at the moment.
An open and fair minded interesting article, I myself am a member of the British National Party, and I can honestly assure you that you are mistaken on the point that most of our members are thugs. In fact the vast majority of our members are very kind and open minded fair people who constantly face the vitriol that Mr griffin faced on this programme just for voicing a fair and just political opinion. I hope would take up the challenge of attending your local British National Parties next local meeting to prove me correct.